Caregivers, Elderly Care that you'll love

Find the right caregivers and elderly care for your loved one as per your need and budget from our wide range of applicants
Nigerian Caregiver for elderly Bridget

Bridget (26), Nigerian

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❱ Kwara  ❱ Ilorin Bridget, Au Pair from Nigeria can assist & support Elderly in Walks and outings, Bathing & Dressing, Companionship and conversation & Errands/Shopping

Nigerian Caregiver for elderly Amanda

Amanda (26), Nigerian

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❱ Lagos  ❱ Lagos Nigeria Amanda, Caregiver from Nigeria can assist & support Elderly in Light domestic work, Mobility support, Errands/Shopping & Walks and outings

Nigerian Caregiver for elderly Franca

Franca (24), Nigerian

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❱ Abia state  ❱ Aba Franca, Healthcare Assistant from Nigeria can assist & support Elderly in Errands/Shopping, Cleaning & Laundry, Light domestic work & Mobility support

What Host Families say about us

Some of our Host Families have written a testimonial about their experience with their senior caregiver and us.

Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Dario's family
❱ Italy     ❱ Georgian Caregiver for elderly

Dario's family

All just wonderful!!!! Education trust esteem and respect. Fantastic!!!!

Federica, Italian
Au Pair in Germany

Federica, Italian

It was my first experience and it was truly very pleasant. The family has always included me in all activities and thanks to them I was ❱❱

Jose's family For Registered Members
❱ Usa     ❱ Mexican Caregiver for elderly

Jose's family

Marlen was excellent, very caring and helpful, definitely one of a kind.

Marc's family
❱ Germany     ❱ Ukrainian Caregiver for elderly

Marc's family

Am 100% satisfied. Anna Maria does a very good job.

See all

How to use Domestic Au Pair World

Use the easiest way to find a senior caregiver or a Host Family!

The first step in finding a senior caregiver is to register online at Domestic Au Pair World. Register for free and start the program. Create your profile now! More » » »

Are you looking for flexible senior caregiver? Then our program is just right for you! Find applicants who meet your criteria and become a Premium Member. More » » »

Use our secure messaging system to get in touch with prospective candidates or employers. Arrange an interview. How? We'll show you! More » » »

The most important step in the search is the conclusion of the contract between both parties. Agree on the important aspects, such as tasks, working hours and salary, and sign the contract! More » » »

Why 24-hour care at home?

Moving away as a senior is difficult to imagine for most people. A survey has shown that around 75% of senior citizens would like to be cared for within their own home, if possible, even if they need nursing care. These are the advantages of an in-home 24-hour care:

Senior home care allows elderly people to remain in their familiar environment, where they feel safe. This helps to maintain their quality of life.

Through individualized care at home, seniors receive support tailored to their specific needs and preferences. There are no standardized procedures as in nursing homes, but personalized care that responds to the individual.

Senior care at home allows older people to maintain their independence and autonomy as much as possible. They can continue to make their own decisions and organize their everyday life according to their wishes.

Care at home ensures continuous and reliable support. There are no constant changes of caregivers, as can be the case in some nursing facilities. This creates a familiar relationship between caregiver and senior, which leads to higher satisfaction.

Senior in-home care offers the flexibility to adjust care services to meet the senior's changing needs. The hours of care, the range of services and the duration of care can be customized.

In-home care allows seniors to continue socializing. They can meet their family, friends and neighbors on a regular basis and stay active in their community which is important for their mental and emotional health.

Loneliness is a serious problem among elderly people. In-home care helps reduce loneliness because the caregiver provides a constant presence and companionship. This can greatly improve seniors' well-being and enjoyment of life.

With in-home care, potentially dangerous situations can be identified and avoided in time. The caregiver can ensure that the senior is safe, takes medications properly and receives immediate assistance when needed.

Home care allows seniors to maintain their familiar daily routines. This promotes their sense of normality and stability, which is especially important for people with dementia or cognitive impairment.

Caring for elderlies in their own homes is usually less expensive than paying for a nursing home.

Senior Caregiver

In a so-called "24-hour senior care," it is common for the person providing care to live in the house or apartment of the senior in need of care and be present at all times. Often, these caregivers are from abroad and do not have formal nursing training. Their assistance provides intensive and comprehensive care in the senior's own home, which in many cases is an alternative to a nursing home. However, it is misleading to use the term "24-hour" because even a 24-hour caregiver works only from 40 up to 48 hours per week.
In this program, it is a work occupation that allows for cultural exchange. However, the focus is on the professional relationship between the caregiver and the senior.
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Senior Caregiver

Membership options

You can choose between two different memberships on Domestic Au Pair World. Find out in detail what the differences and the advantages of each option are.
Free basic membership on Domestic Au Pair World for senior care
After the free registration, people looking for a job in senior care or people offering a job can be contacted directly. The person receiving your message will first view your profile and can then respond directly if they agree with your offer. Basic members will find helpful articles and blog posts explaining how the program works.
Premium Members on Domestic Au Pair World for senior care
The Premium Membership allows you to contact ALL users directly! It is the easiest and fastest way to find the right candidate or employer! Premium members have the possibility to write individual messages to other users and exchange personal data and contact information.

Frequently Asked Question

Do you have any questions about the program or our website? We are always happy to help! Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions
How much does elder care cost per month?
Elderly caregivers receive the minimum wage or more. You can negotiate the hourly wage and should write everything down in the contract. Note that elder care is subject to the labour law of the respective » » »
How many hours a week can an eldercare worker work?
Senior carers usually work 40 hours a week with a five-day week. However, the working hours can be adapted to the senior's » » »
What are the tasks of an eldercare provider?
A senior caregiver helps older persons in their everyday life. This includes doing the shopping, cooking and eating meals together and keeping the household clean. A senior carer may provide basic care, but may not carry out medical activities, such as giving medication or » » »
How do I become a senior caregiver?
Create a profile on Domestic Au Pair World as a senior carer and search for suitable employers. There are different types of employment, which involve different amounts of » » »