Test your knowledge with these 7 questions about the Au Pair program and figure out if the program is right for you!
Do you know what an Au Pair actually is and does?
Yes, of course!
No, not really
Great! We knew that you knew, we just wanted to be sure. Go on with the next question!
Do you know if you can take part in the program?
Otherwise I wouldn’t be here, right?
I hoped you could tell me!
Right! Then continue with the next one!
You know what the Au Pair program is but you're not sure if you can become a part of it? Don't worry, we have gathered all of the requirements for you! Read the general requirements for Host Families and for Au Pairs or switch to the specific requirements if you already know in which country you want to become an Au Pair or a Host Family.
Do you know that Domestic Au Pair World is an online matching platform and not a full-service agency?
Yes, I do
I’m not sure what you are talking about, please explain
That’s awesome! You seem to be fully informed. Take the next step!
What do we mean by an online matching platform? It's easier than you think: on Domestic Au Pair World you can meet your ideal match – not more and not less. We will obviously provide you with a wide array of information, templates contracts and other useful services. But we cannot organise the stay for you or get you a visa. Now you're disappointed because you really wanted to cooperate with a full-service agency? Don't be! We partner with a huge variety of different agencies many countries! Check here if your country is available!
Do you know how to meet candidates and Host Families on Domestic Au Pair World?
Sure I do
Honestly, I don’t really know
We’re happy to hear that. You’re nearly there, only three questions left!
Do you know about all the steps a candidate or a Host Family needs to take?
It’s nice that you ask but of course I know that already.
Good that you ask, I’ve always wondered!
We’re impressed, you seem to already know everything about the Au Pair program! Two last questions and we can be sure that you are fully informed about our website
Do you know why Domestic Au Pair World is free of charge for candidates?
Yes, you explain it on your website.
It’s for free? How cool is that!
Thank you for reading our website so carefully! We appreciate that and forward you to the last and final question.
Our website is actually free for applicants. Every applicant can send a free personal message to each family. Usually, it’s the Host Family who purchases a Premium membership. This shows that they take their search seriously. However, when you see that your favourite family is not Premium yet, send a message to them anyway and let them know that you’re interested. Most families use the website for a few days before becoming Premium and making the final step. You have the option to become Premium to speed up the process but we recommend first looking for families who are already in the game.
Do you know if you will need a visa and if so, how to apply for it?
You can’t trick me with that, I’m an embassy expert
That’s a good one, I’ll need support with that
We know what you're thinking: sign me up already! Okay, we hear you! We understand that you are an Au Pair ninja. We see that you have everything that it takes to be a Master of Au Pair science. Let's start the adventure!
That's okay, that part is difficult for everyone. Use our visa tool to find out what kind of visa you will need, get in touch with the embassy and then waste no time and sign up to finally meet your candidate or your Host Family!
Great! Now you are perfectly prepared and we can let you sign up with a good conscience.
By the way, should you have any questions, you can always rely on our
Au Pair Wiki and
Free Au Pair registration
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Letter to family