Become a Host Family in Austria

Are you looking for someone to look after your kids? Childcare has never been as simple as with an Au Pair! Hosting an Au Pair in Austria is a great option for those looking for help with their children and a cultural exchange.

Austria is a breathtaking country and thanks to its perfect mix of nature and culture it should be easy to find candidates ready to join your family and experience your lifestyle!

Find out about all the criteria you have to meet as a Host Family in Austria!

Can you become a Host Family?

Hosting an Au Pair is a great opportunity to not only have someone to look after your kids, but also to exchange and experience different cultures at the same time.

The Host Family in Austria needs to fulfill the following requirements to join the program:  
  • at least one child under the age of 18
  • willing to be part of a cultural exchange and consider the Au Pair as a part of the family
  • able to cover the Host Family’s expenses (meals, salary, insurance, etc.)
  • able to provide a private room for the Au Pair
  • willingness to respect the participant and the work schedule
If you fulfill these requirements and want to host an Au Pair, join our community at Domestic Au Pair World and start looking for an Au Pair!

Free Registration as Family

How does it work?

Create a profile
To begin the process you will need to register for free with us and complete your profile. Do not forget to add pictures and write the “Welcome letter to the Au Pair”. Use our search filter to find suitable matches!

Get in touch with Au Pairs
As a free user you will be able to send standard messages and add candidates to your favourites. You can also become a Premium Member and start sending personalized messages, get our handbook, receive the Au Pair contract and more useful documents.

Check the criteria carefully
Make sure your candidate meets the participation criteria! Check the requirements for participants from EU and non-EU countries, program regulations, visa process in Austria and more information you will need for a successful stay.

Sign the contract
Once you’ve found the right Au Pair, sign the contract. Make sure all the important points such as the working schedule and the duties are clear.

Hosting EU and Non-EU applicants

The Au Pair program in Austria has specific requirements that candidates have to meet depending on their nationality.

Although hosting a non-EU Au Pair includes few extra steps to keep in mind, it significantly increases the pool of applicants for your family and gives you the chance to welcome a person from a completely different cultural background into your family.  

Take into consideration that Au Pairs also need to meet some general expectations like not being married, not being parents, being in good health and being able to afford their travel expenses. Of course, they should also have some experience in childcare and basic German language skills to communicate.

Hosting an Au Pair from the European Union and EFTA

Au Pairs from countries of the European Union and EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) should be between 18 and 28 years old, and have a valid passport or identity card to register at the foreign office.

If you’ve found a candidate that meets your expectations and fulfills the requirements stated above, you only have to complete a few more steps!
  1. Organize video calls to get to know each other better, discuss the details that will go into the contract and sign it. 
  2. Insure your Au Pair: according to the General Social Insurance Act (Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz), every candidate needs to be registered with the Austrian social insurance. Register your candidate with the social security system.
  3. Register the applicant: if your candidate is going to stay with your family for more than 3 months, you will need to request a resident’s registration document at one of the Immigration, Citizenship and Register Offices.

Hosting  an Au Pair from a non-EU country

Participants from non-European Union countries will need to get a visa or a residence permit in Austria. Austria has an official Au Pair program and therefore a special Au Pair visa (Sonderfälle unselbstständiger Erwerbstätigkeit - Special Employment Cases) is available for young people willing to join the program. All candidates who may enter Austria under the visa waiver-program (e.g. U.S. citizens, Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians) may file the application once in Austria. However, it is recommended to apply for a residence from the Au Pair’s homeland.

These are the requirements for Au Pairs from countries that don’t belong to the European Union / EFTA:
  • between 18 - 27 years old
  • basic German language skills (at least A1 certificate)
  • not married, no children of their own
  • clear criminal record
  • valid passport
  • has not been working / au pairing for more than a year in Austria in the past 5 years
Does your future Au Pair fulfill all these points? Then there are no more obstacles for them. Have a look at the following steps that will help you to plan your Au Pair’s stay in Austria.

Take care of the paperwork
You will need to register your candidate. In order to do that, you will need the signed copy of the contract and prove that the Au Pair is staying with you.

Register the participant at the Austrian Employment Office
Host Families need to register their Au Pairs at the “Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich” (Austrian Employment Office). The office will check if your candidate fulfills all the requirements of the program and if your family can participate. Shortly after that you will receive the confirmation.

Help your Au Pair with the visa application
Your candidate needs to present certain documents at the visa application appointment. You need to provide the Au Pair with:
Confirmation of registration of the candidate at the Austrian Employment Office
Confirmation of insurance coverage
Read more about the visa requirements for Au Pairs in Austria.

If the Au Pair is employed below the marginal earnings threshold of EUR 460.66 per month, registration for statutory accident insurance is sufficient. Health insurance can be taken out with a private insurance company for the Au Pair. It should be noted that a health insurance policy taken out abroad is only sufficient if it is also payable in Austria. The insurance has to cover the complete Au Pair stay and special medical procedures such as operations. 
Au Pairs from third countries must work 18 hours a week and may not receive less than 460.66 Euros per month. With a salary below 460.66 Euro the conditions for a stay in Austria are not fulfilled! Please read more here.

Insure the Au Pair with the national social security system
A soon as the Au Pair arrives, you need to register them at the national social security system. Read more about the Au Pair insurance in Austria.

Residence permit and registration
Once in Austria, the candidate must change the visa into a residence permit. The Host Family should help during this process at the corresponding foreign office.

In case of any further questions, take a look at our Au Pair WIKI and the most common questions. If you have any other specific question, send us a message!

Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Katrin's family For Registered Members
❱ Austria     ❱ American Au Pair

Katrin's family

Jaden is the perfect match for our family. We had a great time together and we would love to have him here longer. He is a wonderful person ❱❱

Ericka, Salvadoran
Au Pair in Poland

Ericka, Salvadoran

My experience with Monika's family was very cool, I had my own room, we shared nice activities, they usually always invited me to different ❱❱

Emma's family For Registered Members
❱ Austria     ❱ Nepali Au Pair

Emma's family

Reshma has helped us a lot and has made friends with the children very quickly. The children like her very much and that is very important ❱❱

Barbara's family
❱ Austria     ❱ Mexican Au Pair

Barbara's family

Super result Best site for the search. We now have a great aupair

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